• Advertising just got redefined

    In less than 3 hours, JumpUpon can have an advertisement out the door to people in your area featuring a special you'll be offering tonight. Ready to start?
  • Target your audience

    Tell the whole city or be picky and invite only those close to your business.
  • Flexible advertising

    It's your deal so why don't you define the terms? With JumpUpon, you decide when it goes out, how long it lasts, and how many it should go to.
  • Last-minute advertising

    Get your message out and customers in, in less than three hours.
  • No revenue sharing

    We love to share, but no thank you, keep 100% of your sales.
  • Are you ready?

    Sign up for free and start creating your business' first deal and we'll work on creating the buzz.

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Reinventing the "Deal"

You may think, "Ah, I've heard this before. It's like the other sites offering deals." Au contraire! Our business model and services operate completely different than other websites. Learn more about how we differ from the rest.

Anytime works for us

Unlike sites that send a scheduled "daily deal", JumpUpon is the real-time social advertising service for you to reach consumers, at a moments notice, when it best benefits you.

Cash Back Guarantee

Unlike "Daily Deal" sites, we believe you should keep 100% of your sales. Next, we provide a satisfaction-guarantee by offering up to a 50% refund for promotions that do not meet our high performance guidelines.